Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So, I am not even sure if anyone even reads this blog anymore since I was sooooo terrible about being consistent for the past several months. But for any of you that stuck around, aren't you so proud of me for blogging so regularly lately? LOL! Though I still am HORRIBLE about taking and posting pics! maybe that'll be the next new leaf I turn over! Doubtful, but who knows!!! :)

Today I am thinking about Christmas and thought I'd pose a question to you guys...Chris and I have had "meager" Christmases pretty much since we have been married because of his employment situation. Though I am not complaining and as you all know, the Lord has blessed us immensely by constantly meeting our daily needs!!! However, having such Christmases has really changed my perspective on the holiday. I long for it to be more about Christ's birth, life and eventual sacrifice and resurrection and MUCH LESS about spending money and sometimes going into debt simply to fill the area under the Christmas tree. Now, I grew up with a much different kind of Christmas. I am totally NOT knocking my mom, but Christmases for us for about QUANTITY and time off and very. very lil about the Lord! So, my question to you is any of you have ideas that you have heard of or that you practice yourselves that allows Christmas NOT to be about spending money? I ask this because both our families, though they do not intend to cause Chris and I stress or harm, still participate in the whole money-spending, gift-giving extravaganza. And i am NOT saying I am against this, because I LOVE giving gifts myself, but from our circumstances over the past few years, we simply have not had and do not have the money to spend on buying every single family member a gift. So I am wondering if nay of you know of any alternatives that would be appealing to our families. And also, another "issue" is that I have a lil sister, and Chris and I both have 2 nephews, and in years past when we haven't been able to give gifts to the adults in the family, we have still "had" to give gifts to the "kids." So do you have any ideas about that, as well?

Just curious to see what sorts of ideas might come out of this. Am just thinking of gifts I want to give already and am stressing over all those gifts adding up! You know?

Thanks for listening! In Him...


texasholls said...

Yes! I still read your blog!:) Some things my family and Aaron's family have done in the past few years: Draw names. That way you only have to give a gift to one person on each side of the family. We do get the kids gifts but limit it to $10-$15 or go in on something big for them all together. One Christmas with my family we just all went out to dinner and bowling. I know that's still spending money but it wasn't nearly as much as getting everyone a gift and was really about spending time together without anyone having to be stressed about making a huge meal or think of a gift for everybody. Sometimes if I get gifts I also like to shop places like the Compassion International Store so that they get a gift but the money goes to help others too. You could also maybe agree to give shoe boxes to Operation Christmas Child (can be really cheap if you all go in on items to divide between several boxes and still make you and a kid around the world really happy). I also like giving the nephews $10 gift certificates to McD's cause I feel like they have so many toys and clothes I don't really know what to get them in that dept. Anyway, none of these may be helpful but I like thinking up less stressful more fulfilling ways to celebrate Christmas.

Holly Scott DeGroot said...

hey hol,
thx for still reading my blog! thx also for the many great ideas. they're all very good ones, and i really appreciate them!

Carissa said...

My family used to be really big into giving gifts. Now, we draw names as well. We spend $25. As for drawing closer to Christ during this time, what about serving Christmas dinner at a Homeless Shelter?

Holly Scott DeGroot said...

great idea. thx so much for sharing, carissa!!!! :)