Friday, February 5, 2010


Hhhhmmmm, have you guessed it yet? Well, the above picture is one of the place Chris and I will be staying at when we go to Mexico from Feb 21-25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for those of you who know our current financial situation, do not be, we are not taking our savings and going to Mexico because we just got sick of saving and scrimping the past few years! :) The Lord blessed us with an amazing opportunity that we just could not pass up. Our friends from my job were already going to this Timeshare property in Puerto Vallarta and had an extra room, and it is Justin's (their names are Justin & TiAn) parents' timeshare, and they so graciously asked us to come along and stay for FREE! Yep, I said for free! wow! So, Chris and I have been putting back more money for this trip, and we hit an amazing airfare sale through Frontier, AND his parents paid for one of our plane tickets as our birthday presents. wow! Are we so blessed, or what? So anyways, we get to go to Mexico and FINALLY have a honeymoon (sorta). For those of you who don't know, Chris and I met and got married in a matter of 4 months and never got to take a honeymoon. And every year, we looked at trips, but every year, we decided it just wasn't wise to spend money on something so extravagant at that point. But now, for a very small price, we actually get to take a vacation together, on the beach, away from work, the house, etc. And we are so excited! But we also just wanna give all the glory and praise to Him for providing this opportunity.
So that's the news....I told you it was exciting, huh? :) So now that you know that, I do have a couple prayer requests related to Mexico...the first is obvious and is for safety during our trip. The second is that He would use us in our relationships with Justin & TiAn. These are great, fun, kind people, but they do not know the Lord, so my prayer is that He would use us to show Him to them.
Ok, people, that's it for this post! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Oh, and oh my goodness, speaking of the weekend, I totally forgot to tell you that Chris got his very first video job for the year tonight. he will be taping a concert up in Ft Colllins tonight, and I am soooooo excited that this has broken open that door for more business, hopefully! But you can pray for me, because I have to go a whole Friday night without my hubby tonight! ;) Ok, NOW I'm really done! Love you all!!!!!

1 comment:

texasholls said...

Wow! So cool. Hope the vacation/semi-honeymoon is wonderful and congrats to Chris for the video job.