Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Mission Field

Just so you know, I still have a few things to tell you about mom's visit, but there's some breaking news that I need to share now. And I'll go back for mom's visit a lil later...
After 2.5 years, the Lord has opened the door for me to work in a new mission field. I am leaving Visible Productions as of the new year and going to work at Constant Contact as a Customer Support Specialist! I am very excited about this new opp, BUT very sad as well. I have not liked my actual JOB for a while now, BUT I love where I work and who I work with. So, this will be a bittersweet transition but one that I believe will be good, especially long-term!
There are way to many benefits that CC offers to tell you about, but just a few BIG ONES's 1.8 miles from home (i currently drive 30 minutes one way everyday), there's room to grow and move up into management and other areas of the company, it is going to pay 2/3 of my monthly gym dues, and as much paid time off as I had at VP (which I thought I'd NEVER find somewhere else), I actually start off with ONE MORE paid day off at CC (with the ability to get more the longer I work there).
Just had to share the news! Love you all! Have a great hump day!!!


Lindsay said...

Yay Holly!! That's great! Congratulations!

Holly Scott DeGroot said...

Thanks so much, Linds!!!!! :)

Krista Bartlett said...

I need to hear more about this job Hols. I am so excited for you. Love the gym membership perk. I think I am going to need my employer (Justin) to think about a membership after this next little one!