Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Twilight Zone

So, for those of you who follow me on facebook, you probably have already seen that I am reading the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer (sp?). So, since I started them last Wednesday, I have pretty much been in the "twilight zone." These books are so addicting, it's ridiculous, but I am LOVING them and have had a very hard time putting them down. I only have about 300 pages left in the last book, so after that I will try to reclaim my normal life, but for now, that is what I am doing every spare moment I have! :)
I did take a one day hiatus from reading over the weekend on Monday to "focus" on real life and my poor, neglected husband (who you shouldn't feel too bad for because he simply watched football and NASCAR all weekend while I was reading). And thanks to both my parents, we got to eat out on dad and go play putt putt on mom. So, thank you, parentals for the anniversary funds! :)
And now I SHOULD have some pics to post, but of course, I left my camera at home....SORRY! :)

1 comment:

texasholls said...

Did you know that Stephanie Meyer (or however you spell it) is a Mormon? Crazy huh? I saw a story about her on TV right before the movie came out and she claims that she has never seen an R rated movie in her life and that her idea for the books came from a dream she had.