Wednesday, September 23, 2009


You know the old saying, "when it rains, it pours?" Well, right now I feel like I'm stuck in a huge down pour! I can't remember how much I have previously shared about all our carpet woes (following the flood that came from a busted pipe in the condo diagonally above us), but we got a call yesterday from the head guy at the Restoration Co that's been in charge of fixing the walls and carpet from all that whole mess. We called him, oh, about 2 weeks ago, because the line in the MIDDLE of our hallway where old carpet meets new carpet looks AWFUL, even after they came and cleaned the old carpet (which they SWORE would make the line virtually invisible). So yesterday he tells Chris that now that he looks at all paperwork from the insurance co, he sees that they only put in that they'd cover cleaning ALL of the carpet (aka the Restoration Co was SUPPOSE to just come in and dry and clean the soaked carpet, and that is ALL they would cover). So, WHO KNOWS what this'll mean in the long run, but I guess I am just venting. So to add to that mess, yesterday our water heater started leaking, and it sounds like we're going to have to have it replaced. Luckily, it's still under warranty, HOWEVER, Chris called today about that, and the warranty only cover $285 towards a new one, and as he looks around they're running about $350, AND of course, any plumber we use is going to charge who knows what in labor to put it in. SIGH! So, anyways, sorry to post such a down-in-the dumps message, but it's just what happens to be going on in our lives right now. HOWEVER, we still recognize how very blessed we are in so many ways, and how easy all of this silly stuff is compared to what others face all the time! So we are thankful for that and are trying to keep that in the forefront of our minds, along with the reminder that we're His children and His spokespeople here on earth as we "deal" with all of these sometimes very rude and annoying people!

So as to make this not a completely somber post, here are some pics of a wedding we recently got to ATTEND and of Chris' football-watching attire from Sunday night! :) Love you all so very much! xoxoxo

1 comment:

texasholls said...

Sometimes being a homeowner is the pits. You should really ask around among friends and see if any of them have ever installed a water heater before. Our water heater went out in our house in Ft. Collins once summer and we lucked out that my brother just happened to be visiting and had just help my dad put a water heater in their house not long before ours went out. We still had to pay for the water heater as you mentioned but at least no plumber! Plus our house had some code problems that were going to have to get fixed if the plumber did it so we were really blessed that my brother could help Aaron take care of that problem.