Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Christmas Blog-2 months late :)

Hey Guys! There are a few things to update you on in our lives, but I have been promising a Christmas post for some time now. So I am going to lead with that and hopefully get to some updates a lil later on this week or next...

So, we had a HECK of a time actually getting to Houston because when I went to check in online 24 hours before our flight was set to leave Christmas morning, it couldn't find my flight. When I searched by my credit card, it had a flight that was going to Aspen several hours later than our flight, and when I searched by flight number, it showed a flight going to Ontario Canada. I logged onto Expedia which is where we booked our flights NINE months earlier and had gotten them for killer prices! And in my Expedia account, it showed all the same info that I'd been looking at and checking on for the previous 9 months. Still, I was quite worried, and I wanted to get checked in, so I called Expedia. After a 2 hour phone call, it was determined that my flight had been cancelled back in AUGUST and 1) somehow the United or Expedia notification email didn't get sent to me (odd, huh?) and 2) when things like that happen, Expedia doesn't find it necessary to update your online flight information!!!!! So, after the 2 hours with the 1st Expedia we were supposed to have gotten everything worked out and gotten us on another flight, though it was much later in the day. And in the next 15 mins, I was supposed to receive an email conf of this new flight info. Well, it was Christmas Eve, and Chris and I had a ton of things to do, including pack but also errands to run outside the house, so we went to run them and came back to NO EMAILS several hours later. SIGH! So Chris called and had a 1.5 hour convo with another girl. VERY LONG STORY, short....we got to Houston finally, but boy did I let Expedia know in a customer service survey later that I would not only tell everyone I knew about this but I would most certainly NEVER EVER use them again!
Anyways, we got to Houston and had a great time! My boys are SO BIG and grown up and precious now, and it was a BLAST just chatting with them, playing games and watching movies with them, playing b-ball, etc! It was so nice to catchup with mom and my sis and bro-in-law, and overall it was just a WONDERFUL time! But I'd say it just made me miss my boys that much more! :(
So, anyways, like I said, I have no pictures except for the day that us girls went to the pottery place and picked out and panted our own pottery....SO FUN! So here are those pics....

Hard at work

My final product

Crystal's S&P Shakers

Crystal's Final Product

Mom's Final Product
*Note: any pictures of her working were lost on Crystal's cam)

Me & My Big Sis :)


Krista Bartlett said...

You and your sis are so cute Hols. I love those pottery places. There are such a fun get-a-way spot. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

aw! i miss you too! :) Tami :)