Monday, August 16, 2010


The title is simply for lack of a better, more awesome word for Him! He truly makes it impossible to not believe in Him sometimes!!!

Just to give you a tiny idea of our lives right now...Chris and I are not sure how we will make it financially past next month. As it looks now, we will be through our Savings by the end of September! Now, I do NOT tell you this to make you feel sorry for us, but just to make you see how very big of a deal this is...I was just notified that I will be receiving a $0.50/hour raise. Not only is this HUGE, BUT the raise is also retroactive back to July 1st, so JUST when we needed a lil extra money the VERY MOST, the Lord provided this!

Just had tears in my eyes as I found out and wanted to share with all of you yet another example of His love and faithfulness in our lives! Chris and I have always felt peace about our seemingly-bleak financial situation, but He has always provided in the past AND especially now, we have faith He will continue to do so!

Love you all!!!!!!


Lindsay said...

Holly, I just love your heart and your posts...they always make me smile! We have been there before, just last year we were about to run out of money and I couldn't find a job and then right when we needed it most, God decided it was time for WA to make a decision to start paying my unemployment and everything was fine...He is SO GOOD!!!

Lindsay said...
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Krista Bartlett said...

Hols, I want to cry too. Thank you for sharing that. What a great God-moment. I know God takes us to those places to wait on Him. Love you and miss you tons.

Carissa said...

Many times I've felt as if I did not have one more penny and no relief in sight. In college, relief would come in the form of an unexpected card in the mail. Out of college, it has come in the form of money left in a pocket or an opportunity to babysit to earn some extra money. I know it's hard at times, but remember to give thanks in all circumstances!

Holly Scott DeGroot said...

thank you ladies for caring, sharing and for your encouraging words! im sooooo blessed to have friends that not only have been similar spots but that love, trust and are willing to wait on Him!!!!