Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3 Years

At this moment, 3 years ago, Chris and I were in the car with his parents, bro-in-law and 2 nephews somewhere in OK, STILL in the car after about 18 hours of driving.....on our way to be married!!!

That was a whirlwind, crazy weekend, and honestly I dont even remember that much of it (which I hear alot of brides say about their wedding day). But it was the day that I began the role that I'm convinced I was made for...the role of being a wife!

I was never that girl who planned her wedding and named her kids and dreamed of being married someday. Sure I had my moments, but for the most part, the things I wnated most outta life when I was young, were just that...things and money and a great career and a great condo in a big city somewhere and a huge closet with lotsa clothes and shoes, etc, etc! Honestly, if you've ever seen the movie 13 Going on 30...her life as a 30 yr old in NYC was EXACTLY what I always dreamed of. But luckily the Lord had different plans and sometime in college my dreams began to change a lil. They still didnt include marriage and kids and such very often, but I definitely didnt wanna be alone in NYC with alot of nice things and a great career anymore. Anyways, long story, short, I have no doubts about the course of my life leading up to 9/1/2007 as I look back now, because everything was leading me to and preparing me to meet and fall in love with Chris!

Now, it has been a HARD road, and honestly, coming from a broken family, I never had those surreal ideas of marriage being pure bliss all the time and something that was easy. But from the day I married Chris, I knew I was meant to be and made for being a wife and sharing my life with someone else, and I have loved every minute of it (even the ones where all I wanted to do was cry and kick my husband in the butt-haha)!

So, here is to my husband of three feels like it has been a lot longer than 3 years, and it is truly hard to imagine that I have only known Chris for 3.5 years, because I feel like I have known him for a lifetime...but anyways...thank you, baby, for making me laugh, for taking out the trash, for cleaning the oven (which u know I hate to do), for being a master vacuumer and griller, for sharing your deepest and darkest secrets with me, for trusting me, and for loving me the way only YOU can do! I LOVE you and truly can't wait to go through the ups and downs of the next 3 years and 30 years! xoxoxoxoxoxo