Wednesday, June 30, 2010


For those of you who are keeping up with Patti, my mother-in-law and her treatments for breast cancer, here is the latest...
She started round 5 of 8 chemo sessions today. The last half of chemo will be less meds but still just as many side effects, though the side effects do change with this half. Also, we just found out yesterday that this second half entails her being at the hospital for SIX hours every time (compared to about 2 for the first half-yikes!), so please be praying for her!
Thank you so much for all of your prayers, she can feel them and is drawing strength every day from them. She's so thankful and knows that MANY people, nationwide, are lifting her up!
Also, on that note, something else that needs prayer...Patti recently got back some test results that showed her to possess a gene that they are linking to the cancer. The good news is that after her chemo, they can take out all her "problem stuff" and she will have a 99% chance of cancer never returning! Praise God for that! The bad news is two-fold, though...that surgery will be a day-long process in which they'll remove both ovaries and both breasts and reconstruct the breasts, so that's a daunting surgery to think about, especially post-chemo. Secondly, because she has a GENE, that means that both Chris and his sister, Jenny, are more likely to get cancer themselves in the breasts, colon and ovaries (that one's just applicable to Jenn, obviously). So, please be praying over those tests for both of them and they have them run and just for wisdom in getting that whole process going.
That's it for now. Sorry for another all-words post, but I wanted to share all the details of what's going on with Patti, for those that have been asking and praying along the way!
And again, thank you soooooo much!!! xoxo


Krista Bartlett said...

Hols, I have heard about his gene. We will have to talk more about this when I see you... IN A FEW DAYS!!! I will be praying in the mean time. Hang in there Patti.

Erin Wernette Ladd said...

So sorry to hear of this Holly. Joe and I (and Hayden - because he is turning into our little prayer warrior) will be praying specifically for Patti's health and your hubby's job. Love you and chat with you more soon!