Monday, June 28, 2010


Hey Everyone,
Well, I cannot even remember the last time I posted something on here, so I realize that I may be writing to myself because I lost any readers I did have. IF there is anyone else reading this, I do apologize for having been such a bad blogger the last couple of months. Honestly, they have flown by and some of the time has been pretty rough for various reasons, and so I simply have not been motivated to write anything.
But I am back now! :) I will say that, unfortunately, I am not back bearing pictures, so I also apologize for that. But, if you’re STILL interested, here’s what’s been going on with us…
Chris had his very first wedding of 2010 two weekends ago, and it went GREAT! It was a great setting, the pl were wonderful AND when Chris took the finished product by, the lady LOVED it, said she’d pass on his info to anyone she knew getting married and even gave him a tip! Praise God! AND THEN, this past weekend, he filmed a concert for a local band. AND he might be doing another band this coming weekend. So, we are so very thankful for His provision of business lately!!! It’s been so long since I wrote that I don’t think I have mentioned that Chris’ unemployment has finally run dry. We knew this would happen eventually and have been so thankful for the money that he HAS gotten from that over the last 1.5 years! But needless to say, I struggle everyday with just giving it ALL over to Him and trusting in His provision! I have good days and bad days where this is concerned but am really trying to bathe the issue in prayer, trust in Him and stand on His promises. I’ve really been clinging to Jeremiah 29:11 the past few weeks about Him having a plan for us, one that does not include harm and DOES include a hope and a future for us! AMEN, huh???? And boy has it been so evident in the provision of business for Chris!!!
So, other than that, we’re just doing the daily grind. Chris is on our church’s softball team, and they play every Thursday eve. The guys have a blast and are really good too! And us ladies/fans have a ball chatting and cheering them on! And it’s a great time outside of church to get to reconnect with church peeps!
Well, I suppose that is enough of an update for now. Don’t wanna bore you with too long of an all-words post right away! I promise I will try and take some pictures here and there so as to break up the different posts! :) Love you all very much and hope He is blessing and speaking to you every day! IN HIM!!! <><

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