Monday, March 15, 2010

Saying Goodbye to My Twenties!!! :(

Well, it hasn't hit me just yet, so I'm not entirely sure how I'm feeling about turning 30 tomorrow, but I THINK I don't like it at all! :) Sigh!!!
However....though my 20's were GREAT in so many different amazing that now I will, Lord-willing, get to spend AN ENTIRE DECADE knowing and loving Chris! Thank you, Lord! So, at least in that respect, I'm very excited and thankful for this upcoming decade of life!


Krista Bartlett said...

Hols, You are being crazy. But you can remind me that I said that when I am whining to you in a few years about the same thing. You are going to be the funniest, cutiest, most loving 30 year old EVER!

Lindsay said...

The best is yet to come, right? Haha, hapy birthday Holly!! Hope you have a great day tomorrow!