Thursday, March 18, 2010

and the big gift is....drum roll, please.......

Yes, people, I got a wii from my sis, nephews, and mom! Holy cow, I cannot even believe it! I have wanted a wii since they came out but have been completely unwilling to buy one for myself (you know, my ULTRA frugality, and all), and apparently, my youngest nephew Caden, decided back in December that THIS is what he wanted to get me for my big 3-0! How cute is that????

They also got me the wii fit...
Super Mario Bros game...

and Caden picked out a pink controller for me...a must-have, in his opinion...
And since Chris knew about this, he got me wii Fit Plus...
and the Biggest Loser game, too!
My goodness, whata present! I'm truly overwhelmed by this but so stinkin excited. In fact, last night was my first night with all of this, and I stayed up til after 10pm playing everything. And for those of you who know me well, THAT IS REALLY LATE for me!!! :) So, I have to say this was an amazing birthday...I also should tell you about the eve of my bday, too because Chris also got me a board game I have been wanting for years...
AND took me out to one of my fave places to eat...
yum! yum!
so what can i say besides i am blessed and way excited about finally having a wii! helps me deal with being 30 a lil bit better! :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

30 is not so bad is it! I turned 30 in July and did morn a bit the ending of my 20s as well. But it is just a number, right? Just wanted to let you know that you left a comment on my blog about sisters and I think you thought it was Krista's, I was cracking up!