Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's Been A While

Sorry, guys! I know how disappointing it can be when you regularly check certain blogs, and there are no new posts for a while.
It has been quite a roller coaster the past few weeks, so lemme update you (and i must apologize because yet again, i have NO PICS to go along with my long-winded-ness)...
As of my last post, the Lord provided another unemployment extension for Chris. I dunno how some of you feel about this whole "living off unemployment" thing for us, and believe me, I have always been one to think that a person should just get off their butt and get a job. However, I truly do believe this has been the Lord's way of providing for Chris and I. And the thing is that Chris isn't being lazy...in fact, I truly believe he is following a path the Lord has paved...it is just taking a while to get things going with all of these biz ventures that are in the works. So, hopefully, you won't be too judgmental about our current dependence on unemployment, and if you are, I gotta say that I totally understand. shrug!
So no matter how you feel about that, I MUST give all the praise and glory and honor to Him for providing for us yet again. Chris has another potentially big meeting on Friday (that I will absolutely let you know about either on Friday or early next week), and I will possibly have a "big" week as well since my bosses, I think, will be determining my current future with my company. I had my annual review last week, and though they had nothing negative to say about my performance, they did mention that there is a possibility of my hours being cut down or possibly completely cut out. Overall, it was a good review, despite that surprising and depressing news. However, it did seem as though they were trying to keep me and find a "place" for me...they had me describe what I do, additional things I thought I could take on, etc. SO.....we will just see what happens.
I KNOW the Lord has a plan for us. In fact, the verse that keeps swimming through my head in one in Jeremiah that says He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, and I do truly and wholeheartedly believe that! I'm just trying to "praise Him in this storm" as the Casting Crowns song goes.
So, not to be all doom and gloom for this entire post, but this is just where we are right now. It'll be interesting to look back on these posts down the road, and see where the Lord has taken us and how much He has taught along the way!
We love each and every one of you so very much and count you as a blessing in our lives, one of many that He has given us!
Until next time.....


texasholls said...

Holly-You are always an inspiration to me with your trust in God's provision. I hope the video stuff can get going really soon, but it does take time to get a business established, that is for sure. I just said a prayer for ya'll.

Krista Bartlett said...

Thanks for updating. I love to here what it going on. I am so proud of you. My heart just beams when I read your posts. They are so full of God's truth and that is all we can lean on.
Love ya.

Anonymous said...

keep pressing in. God is raising serious Christians right now. Jesus is calling His sheep. and he will put us through the gauntlet to see if we are worthy of being called his for the work. just keep pressing into Him. far easier said than done, but look past the circumstances and just keep getting on your knees in search of Jesus in this. he is refining you guys for the plan...

Lindsay said...

Holly, I totally understand about living off unemployment, mainly because I'm totally doing it myself these days! I do think it was a gift from God for me to be able to stay home with the kids for the past year. Now, it's about to run out and I'm going to file for and extension and we're praying like crazy that they'll keep paying it! If it can hold out for a while longer than I will be able to stay at home full time! Hang in there and remember that God has a plan and it's always the best one! I miss you, let me know if ya'll are ever down this way!