Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh, What A Night

So I got a call yesterday from my husband in the late afternoon telling me that things had been crazy around the condo. Apparently a fire alarm went off for seemingly no reason. So Chris circled the building and didnt see anything...UNTIL he started to circle the second time and what was a small trickle of water coming from the roof became a waterfall in seconds!
So he called the fire department who figured out that it came from a sprinkler water line that burst above the tenant behind and above us. They had to break down her door cuz she wasn't home and cut out part of her ceiling to get to the line and cut it off. So 4 of us on that side of the condo now have water damage in the walls and under the carpet.
HOURS after it all happened, our mgmt company finally got a Restoration Co out to start working on the 4 units. Ours was, luckily, the 3rd worst out of 4, but that also meant that they didn't start working on ours until 9:30pm and got done about 11pm. Well, got done, FOR NOW. So, our entire bedroom is now carpet-less along with half of our hallway and closet. They also had to do something to one of the wet walls and its drywall (I dunno exactly what cuz my hubby stayed last night while I headed on over to the in-laws to go to bed at a decent hour-have i mentioned how wonderful my hubby is lately???).
If I can get pics, I will post them eventually, but basically it boils down to this...we will be "displaced" for prolly about a week (thank God for in-laws even if they do live about 10 mins further from my work) while they let the floors dry and then begin replacing carpet and such.
YIKES, whata mess!
Could you please just pray that Chris and I would handle this and all the involved people as Christ would and that somehow He could be glorified?
Lotsa Love!

1 comment:

Krista Bartlett said...

Hols, I love you attitude. It is a lot harder to act like Christ when things aren't very fun and easy. We have had water damage in some of our renatls, not the same as a main place of residence, but it is a pain all the same. I saw the pics. So Sad. I love what you said about your hubby. You are such a good wife.