Friday, July 24, 2009


Well last night was the first time we slept at home in a week! Granted, we had to sleep in the guest bedroom, but now that they finally got all the silly blowers out, we at least could do that. Course we also have to wear shoes anytime we go in the back since there is no carpet and along the wall, there are tacks sticking up everywhere, but STILL, it was nice to just be at home! Jasmine got to be at home for first time since all this happened too, and you could tell how happy she was, when she went straight for the couch (she is not allowed on the couches at Nana and Papa's house) and passed out! SO CUTE! The restoration company is supposed to come by this morning at 10:30, so we should know more about what needs to happen next and a timeline for it all. I will keep you posted on such exciting news! :) haha

On another note, Chris has 2 very important business-related meetings coming up. One is this afternoon and the other is Tuesday. Please just keep those in your prayers, and I will keep you updated on anything that comes from those!

On yet another note, this week marked my 1 year anniversary at Visible Productions. And depending on how well you know me and/or how long you have known me, you may or may not know what a HUGE FEAT that is. I have not worked at a place longer than a year since my last job in college in 2003. So it is huge and exciting to still be here and to still actually like my job after a year! So praise God for that. But now, with all these possible changes coming up for Chris, and the fact that NOTHING has changed at my job over the last year (they hired me as a receptionist with promise of having me do more than just that eventually), I am starting to wonder if this is where I should stay, or if I should begin to look into the whole teaching thing again. So, if you could just join me in that prayer, too, it'd be MUCH appreciated!

Well, we love you and all hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend!


Krista Bartlett said...

I just love you. I am so excited for your 1 yr anniversary and being able to move back into your house. I just said a little prayer for Chris' meeting so keep me posted on what is happening.

Chelsie Sargent said...

Friend!! Good to hear from you- now I can keep up with you as well:)!!