Friday, June 19, 2009

Last Night

So we don't know a WHOLE lot more about this new business venture, but Chris went with this guy named Dave last night to Boulder to shoot a musician, named Annie Brooks (from Durango) singing and talking about herself. Dave liked Chris' camera and his shooting style and has ALOT of ideas about many different things in the music industry and otherwise. Dave also has friends that have big bucks and are interested in backing him and some of his "ideas." I know that is kinda vague, but that is all I seemed to have gotten out of my husband, so far! :)
So, now, Chris is going to meet with some of those investors early next week, and we will just see where this goes (i.e. where the Lord wants to take it-or not).
Please just be praying for the relationships with these men and just for His perfect will to be done in His perfect timing. AND for us to have peace about His will AND timing! This could be alot of fun, alot of work, etc, but it is just very hard to tell right now. It could possibly be just in the nick of time, however, since Chris' unemployment runs out in AUGUST! yikes!
We love you all and are so thankful to have your support, concern, prayers and friendships. Thank you so much for letting us be completely real here!
In HIM...

1 comment:

Krista Bartlett said...

Everything sounds so interesting. I can't wait to look back at this season of your life with you and reflect on how God worked everything out.