Thursday, January 3, 2008

Trip to Arkansas

Chris and I got off from CO just in time before a snow storm hit, BUT we were going 45 mph on the Interstate pretty much from Denver until the Kansas border. So, after driving all night (Chris did all the driving, bless his heart), we got to mom's 17 hours later. Boy, were we exhausted. Chris fell asleep immediately after mom gave us a very quick tour of her house and slept for 2 1/2 hours, while I could NOT fall asleep. So I just drug myself around all day and ended up falling in and out of consciousness throughout the day. :) Terrible, I know.
On Sunday, we went to church with mom, and I got to see alot of wonderful ppl I knew when I lived in AR, and right after church, mom treated us to a movie, the sequel to National treasure. If you haven't seen it, and you liked the 1st one, GO SEE IT! It is GREAT! Then we went bowling, and each of the 3 of us won once. Chris bowled the worst 3 games of his life and was not too thrilled. :) And THEN we went back to the movies (mom LOVES going to 2 movies in one day) and saw I Am Legend. And we all really liked that. And at first, I was telling other "fraidy" cats like me that it was fine to go see, but I have been having crazy dreams and been seeing mutants in the dark at night. SO, if you are like me, I would actually not recommend that you see it, but it was really good!
So, after that we just kinda chilled Sun night and all day Monday, then we headed out to TX on Christmas Day morning. And I will tell you all about that in my next post..............and in the meantime, here are a few pics
Chris cuddling with Casper
The cats on our luggage while we were away

Chris' Devilish Nature Comes Out

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