Thursday, November 18, 2010

So excited

Obviously I am getting more and more excited about mom's visit, as each day passes, BUT I am also excited about all the vacation I am getting to take (paid vacation, even) from now until the end of the year. Including today, I will only be working 21 days for the rest of 2010! How awesome is that? So, I will finish off this week; only work Monday of next week; have a 4 day week after Thanksgiving, followed by 2 full weeks of work (; and I will work 4 days the week before Christmas and have the entire last week of the year OFF!
I promise I'm not trying to rub it in for those of you that don't have jobs that offer as much paid time off; I'm simply so excited that I had to share it with you!
Thanks for listening!!!!! xoxoxo

1 comment:

Krista Bartlett said...

You are so cute Hols. I would be so excited about that too. Sometimes you just need a break from the office life. Have so much fun with your mom. What a lot of treats you have coming!