Thursday, November 19, 2009


So, today is one of two working days that I have left until I will be off for TEN WHOLE DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!! And let me tell you how very ready for a vacation I am! So, I was just going to let you all know that I will not be posting anything for prolly about 2 weeks! BUT in 2 weeks or so, I should, hopefully have a ton of pictures and stories to share with you about our trip.

I'm not sure if I've even mentioned this trip before (sorry, I am so bad about not re-reading my previous posts before posting a new one). So, here's the plan....this Sunday we will leave with Chris' parents to go down to their property in NM for 2 nights. Then, on Tues morn, we'll get up, drive to the Carlsbad Caverns and spend a few hours and then drive to Lubbock to stay the night. Wed, we will go thru Abilene (which I'm esp excited about cuz Chris will get to see where I went to school, and I'll get to see the tons of changes they've made on campus since I last was there a few years ago) and then head east. We're staying right across the Interstate from the new Cowboys Stadium on Wed and Thurs nights and going to the Raider/Cowboy game on Thanksgiving Day (which has been a dream of mine for years now)! Then the in-laws will start their drive back to CO on Fri morn while we stay behind in TX to visit with friends and family. On Fri, we'll be touring the stadium with my older sis and her fam (who I haven't seen in over a year!!!!) and then we're spending some time with dad's side of the fam. I'll be meeting up with at least 2 of my other friends over the weekend, and then we'll be flying back on Monday morn.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this trip AND how the Lord has worked so many blessings into this trip already. As you know, we are VERY LOW on money right now so a vacation seems quite ridiculous! However, we are blessed that Chris' parents are driving and paying for all of the motels along the way; we have a friend that is loaning us her car for when we get to DFW; we're having a free meal with my best friends from HS on Wed night; we're staying with some wonderful friends of ours in Joshua who are GRACIOUS and wonderful hosts; and my dad paid for the tickets for us to fly back so we'd have some extra time with the fam! Isn't it wonderful how He provides, even for a time of relaxation and to be with friends and family???? Thank you, Father!!!!

So, hopefully, I'll have tons of posts and pics coming your way in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, please pray for our safe travel.

Have a BLESSED Thanksgiving holiday! We love and appreciate each one of you!!!!


Lindsay said...

SO glad ya'll are getting to go on a vacation, you totally deserve one! I know how hard that is when you don't have much money, but it is such a blessing when you find ways to still have fun! Hope ya'll have a great Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great trip! Can't wait to hear all about it. We'll be crossing you on the way to Lubbock to go to my grandparent's on Wednesday.