Thursday, December 11, 2008


Sorry I havent posted anything in a while. The time has been flying by. Which I am very thankful for, in a way, because I have a 1.5 week vacation coming up for the Holidays! yea!

Just wanted to post a few pics (cuz everybody likes to read things with pics, right?) and tell you what's been up with us lately....
Well since my last post, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with the DeGroot and Middleton fam. AND the Cowboys won, so that made for a PERFECT day in whole! :)
We also made a trip halfway up into the mountains. :) We wanted to go up to Breckenridge, but the weather and traffic was HORRIBLE, so we only made it to a cute, lil town on the way up, called Georgetown. We walked around, purchased some yummy, homemade caramel corn & had some lunch.
Chris and I are in the choir for our church's Christmas program, so we have been practicing alot for that. And doing other church activities like meeting with our small group, and I went to a Ladies Christmas Party this week, which was a blast!
Chris' work has been pretty unstable and sporadic. He'll work everyday one week and then NO days the next but have to work from dawn til dusk that Saturday. So please continue to pray for us and him as we try to figure out what to do about his job situation. Chris is really not sure if this is something he wants to do long-term or not. AND I will let you in a little secret so you can also be praying specifically for this.....Chris is thinking about going back to school to be a radiographer. This is the person who does ultrasounds and such.

Ok, that's it for now. Love you all. Until next post...... :)


Carissa said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. Feel free to check it out anytime, I will never consider you nosy!

Krista Bartlett said...

I loved hearing about your day trip. That sounds like something we need to do together. I would give anything to have lunch with you. I will pray for Chris too. I know what it is like to want the best possible job for your hubby.
Love ya tons